Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shenandoah Skyline & Whiteoak Canyon Falls

First, let me paint you a picture as to how this husband-wife team makes decisions regarding the upcoming weekend plans... Unless it's a long weekend (which thankfully involves pre-planning), Friday afternoon or sometimes Saturday morning will roll around and we haven't even contemplated what our Saturday will hold. Call us procrastinators a spontaneous bunch... Living life on the edge here folks.

Well several weekends back, husband discovered that the upcoming weekend was one of the rare get-past-the-guards-free-of-charge days in the Shenandoah National Park, so it seemed only natural that we would spend our Saturday in the great outdoors. We settled upon the Whiteoak Canyon Falls trail, and as usual the trail did not disappoint when it came to beauty. The leaves were at the beginning stages of changing colors, and everything was just beautiful! I can't imagine how pretty it must be now that the leaves have changed around here...

As if you couldn't guess, husband is the outdoors enthusiast of the two of us, and I'm fairly new to the whole hiking thing, so I can occasionally get bored on a trail (I have to be honest). But this trail followed a babbling brook the whole time (and for some reason I found that to be entertaining?), so I was as happy as a lark. That and I can't stand doing outdoorsy things when it's hot as blue blazes outside, so I thoroughly enjoyed the fall temperatures in the 50's that day. Ah, fall. Thank you for understanding me.

Oh, and the view? I'd say it was worth it. We chose to see the smaller of the two falls that day since we were crunched for time after visiting the Luray Caverns. And in case you were wondering, I did actually say "aww, look it's a heart!" without any sense of sarcasm in my voice or in my thoughts. See, I'm maturing a little. There's hope for us all.

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