Thursday, October 18, 2012

Random musings for a Friday

- Husband is ironing a shirt for work and the iron is making its typical steamy sounds (as in the H2O variety, and not the promiscuous kind), and I have this automatic need to say "Luke.... I am your father...." to which my husband continues with "Daddy???" We're a funny nerd couple, as if you didn't know.

- If you haven't gone to see Argo yet, GO SEE IT. While yes, I love a good movie, you will not catch me often these days headed to the local theater to shell out $25 dollars for this husband-wife team to see a newly released film (especially when the DVD release is on the verge in 5 months). All that to say, go see Argo in theater. It is incredible, and you won't regret it. Truly one of the best movies I've ever seen. For any who need a refresher on the plot, here you go:

- I read in an article today that 2/3 of all undergrads in American colleges and universities are in some sort of debt, AND that student loan debt will total over a trillion dollars. Wait, what??? You guys, this is a major problem. I also read that around 75% of senior administrators in those institutions think a college degree is worth over $25,000 in student loan debt. While I'm a huge advocate for higher education, if you're not getting a degree that will pay a decent entering salary... $25,000 is a big hole to climb out of. Something's got to give here people. You can read both articles on the subject here and here, and please note the beginning paragraph about the inflation of tuition versus the inflation of milk over the years (Disclaimer: imagine paying $15 for a gallon of milk. Sorry, I think I'm lactose intolerant...).

- So in case you missed the debate this past Tuesday, one of the best one-liners was Romney's "binders full of women." And while I'm not making fun of his intentions, his choice of words have caused a good bit of laughter in all the satire that has ensued since. And for the record, I love a good play on words. I mean let's be honest, one of my favorite movies to this day is Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein, and my father and I still reenact the "Walk this way" line from the movie. As is the norm, I've digressed... The funniest reactions to Romney's line can be found in the customer reviews on Amazon for their binder selections, and one of my favorites happens to be this one. And the funny thing is... I read that one aloud to husband... and he asked if I wrote it. No, I did not. I'm not clever and gutsy enough to write a witty review on binders. But I did love the reference to Big Bang Theory with the Bazinga username. Kudos to you, fellow satirer (yeah, not a real word.... I know). And in case you were wondering, I already have our DVR set to record SNL just in case a skit comes to life involving binders and women...

- Fingers crossed that this time next week, Mississippi State will be 7-0 going into its game against Alabama (who will undoubtedly be 7-0). Helloooo, how cool would that be??? Hail dear ole State...

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