Thursday, October 11, 2012

A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck

I'd say it was inevitable that the first few lyrics from Guys and Dolls' "A Bushel and a Peck" popped into my head as husband and I embarked on one of our highly anticipated Virginia adventures: apple picking. Inevitable because my mother is all about some Broadway music and my father taught me the art of knowing one line (on the occasion, sometimes two or three) from famous songs and being able to hum it flawlessly on cue when the wording was applicable to the circumstances (hence, apple picking... bushels and pecks... nerd alert). And hum it I did... all. day. long. 

Anywho, husband and I ventured down a few weekends ago to Markham, VA to the beautiful  Stribling Orchard. And our first orchard experience was nothing short of perfect: lovely weather, hot apple cider, and bountiful apple trees galore. We were like kids in a healthier candy shop picking wayyy too many apples for two people to consume, but boy did we have fun! Definitely an experience that everyone should try if they get the chance, but be warned, bring a tall person along to do the actual picking (thanks husband- you're the best!).

I'll admit I was kinda bummed that they didn't have my favorite type, Pink Lady/Cripps Pink (those really are the best in my oh-so-humble opinion). But they certainly had plenty of other types to fill in the void... MacIntosh, Red & Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonathans... and certainly a few I've never heard of before, like Rome Beauty and Stayman. 

But isn't it incredible just how many different types of apple varieties there are? It's just another of God's complexities that really gets me thinking how BIG his design is. Despite the whole Eve giving the biblical poisonous apple to Adam thing, God still provided numerous types of apples, types that each have their own purpose whether it be for cooking, baking, cider, etc. And yes, I realize we humans have cultivated and created our own types from the originals but still, isn't it incredible that He gave us more than one? And let's be honest, if He had given us only one, it would probably have been the gross cafeteria-friendly Red Delicious. 

If God has the insight to mastermind the blueprint of today's 7500 types of apples, isn't it a wonderful relief to think what he has planned for each one of us? Ah grace, how blessed we are to be covered in you. 

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit."

Jeremiah 17: 7-8 (NIV)

Oh! And what orchard experience isn't complete without a yummy caramel apple? So totally the best fall treat ever. And if you were wondering, yes, I did give husband the messy job of taking the first bite into the caramel. He's such a keeper. 

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