Thursday, May 2, 2013

proud longtime follower of a cult brand...

So it's no secret that I have been in a serious relationship with J.Crew for almost a decade now. & I know that a few of you laughed at that statement because it really is dead obvious the moment you open my closet. 

In the early days, they lingered more in the field of almost a Vineyard Vines-type prep style on a price point similar to that of the current Gap. It was safe... and a little boring, but great for a girl who hated keeping up with trends of fashion when 5 days a week she was sporting a school uniform. 

Thankfully for them (& me, sans MA uniform) somebody came along and sparked some creativity into the mix, and voila! meet the J.Crew cult brand transforming their image into vivid color palettes, quality materials, and bright twists on classic looks. And even though this girl is now on a newlywed budget, I'll still stand by J.Crew (or Jenna Crew as some call it these days) so long as they continue their attempts to preserve the classics in new ways. 

My favorite part? These days my love for men's wear has found a co-conspirator in J.Crew's look of androgynous style & allowed me to finally cave and buy a pair of oxfords this past fall. So thanks Jenna for finally making it okay for me to step out on that limb... but wearing a bow tie? I'm going to leave that to the husmate.

So I'm going to leave you with the whole point of this post, an article on the creative genius behind J.Crew's revamp, Jenna Lyons, and the realization that there will probably be future wish list posts on things that have caught my eye now that I've admitted my addiction... But seriously, that article is incredibly interesting to any who share my love for the Crew, so go on- click & read!

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