Tuesday, January 15, 2013

bewildered by the rain and fog

So let me preface this post with a few facts:
1. My mother had a conference in DC this past weekend.
2. She asked for my advice on packing as far as weather goes.
3. Even though I consulted my Weather Channel app 3 times, I pretty much made my mother freeze by telling her all the wrong things to pack therefore resulting in a daughter fail.

So despite the weather being at least 15 degrees (or more) cooler than was forecasted, as well as it raining like every day since she landed (when the highest chance was 30% for maybe one day), it has also been incredibly foggy. As in where is the horizon in the picture above?? Love must be in the air for some hot and heavy dementors in the area...

In trying to make the best of things and show Mom something in all this fog and rain, we hit up Mt. Vernon this past weekend. Apparently hardly anyone goes there when it's 40 something degrees out and the sky resembles a white screen (I couldn't imagine why)... On the upside, the guides do offer more information when fewer people are shuffling through the house. 

So after our fun and chilly walk about Washington's plantation, we headed to the National Harbor to drop Mom off to register for her conference. And while we were trying to avoid paying for parking driving around aimlessly killing time waiting on her, we decided to be all spontaneous and hit up some open houses. What are we... 30?? Ha, it was pretty fun I must say. Well, except for looking at some of the asking prices (especially the $400/month HOA fees...). 

But I think my personal favorite from this weekend is the car in the last picture above. Please take as much joy fathoming whatever it is the owner was going for as we did Sunday morning. That van's roof had at least three solar panels, a propeller, and a chair covered in camo. Any thoughts??

And after braving the cold and wet weather for as long as we could, the Berry's finally caved and made our first fire in our new apartment. Now all we need are s'mores :)


  1. Redneck solar-powered ... jet/van .. hybrid??

  2. What does the sign on the car say?

  3. You know... That's a good question. The big part says Stella Group, but we couldn't read it even from our car when we passed by (and we didn't want to appear any weirder than we already did by snapping this shot...).

  4. "any weirder"?
    I like your honesty, Sunshine.
