Friday, November 9, 2012

Breathe in, breathe out

After what seems to be a wacky few weeks around here, I'm thoroughly looking forward to a weekend of being still. And strangely, I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way. 

Being in the lucky portion of the northeast (Northern Virginia), we experienced the days off in anticipation of Sandy without any of the consequences. I still cannot fathom what those poor people in New Jersey, New York and the surrounding areas are experiencing. Being from the south, I know what hurricane clean-ups entail, but they usually are accompanied by 70+ temperatures immediately following. Imagine losing everything you have (or even just losing your power for 2 weeks) and also receiving freezing temperatures + a 2 foot blanket of snow from a sister nor'easter at your feet, too. 

To add to the mania, we have half a country in jubilation over the re-election of our president and the other half who is still steaming at the ears and spouting out hateful comments. I have even witnessed a few saying that this is the end of times and crediting the Mayans for their portrayal of December 21 as the deadline of sorts. You guys, breathe

Now that we live in a world that hides behind social media as a way to speak for ourselves rather than by our actions (and I'm not talking about actions like the riot at Ole Miss), we forget that our integrity stands to lose by the 140 character tweets we send out and all the like buttons on Facebook that we click. 

As Americans, we should be so lucky to recognize that we have the best democratic process in the world. We had a record turnout at the polls (to which I am so proud), and the decision was made. Now, we as Americans need to respect that decision, even if we don't agree with it. We need to come together as a country, rather than remaining divided in our trenches; if not to state the obvious, what good will come of such negativity anyway?

As Christians, it's not our place to judge another's Christian belief. I'm astounded by the flagrant remarks berating our re-elected leadership, including the occasional use of the phrase "antichrist." Whoa, buddy. The Lord has a greater plan, and we have to trust in it. Rest in that. It is all we have ever had in this world anyway. Hope in Him, and his plan for us. Besides the fact that our words truly are precious, and since we are called to bring others to the light, remember that the same mouth is speaking words of love for Christ and hate for others (Matthew 12:33-37).

So back to how I started this soapbox of a post, I'm quite looking forward to just being this weekend. I'm hoping to hike with my sweet husband and experience some of God's glory in his creation this weekend. Nothing recharges the spirit like some two-on-one with the outdoors and the Lord. 

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